Exclusive Platform

Exclusive Platform

Exclusive Platform


The Exclusive Platform  is a blockchain that was created to present solutions for project developers. It has been found that there are still big ideas on the blockchain time stamp, through this platform we provide developers with new and existing blockchain projects, the blockchain users are using standard delivery media.

The exclusive Chalkboard Platform will open hidden features and values ​​that will be introduced to the world of blockchain development through effective technical support platforms. In addition, we will also explore ideas and ambitions for the future of the Exclusive Platform and ecosystem.


This platform is intended as a service platform intentionally to revolutionize the process of easing project developers efforts in the blockchain ecosystem. The platform is developed to coordinate between the targeted blockchain community and clients. The platform is to solve many problems involved but is not limited to projecting advertisements, airdrops and gifts, distribution tokens and more.


The developer project is almost free, using Dapp’s free will completely ignores the provisions of advanced features. At present, the options available to the team want to have the tasks completed inefficient. To have a project completed by the startup team, a lot of time consuming activities are carried out where most of the time delaying delivery of the mandate is needed.



The Exclusive Platform is a blockchain-based project created to bring solutions to project developers. It has been found that there are still big ideas that have not been recorded at the time of the blockchain stamp, through this platform we provide new and existing blockchain project developers, blockchain users the opportunity to connect to the right channel using standard media as shipping.


Although there are many ideas about float ideas, they are not as good as they are:

 Platform Purpose

Right Audience

Connect your project with the right audience. Our community is a fan of a minimum of 100 genuine Twitter followers.


Your data is safe with us. You control your data, there is no third party access and we will never share your personal data with third parties.


The spread, delete, relaunched your project as many times as you want. Our platform was built to support it without limitations.


Every task that you start takes place in chain and still depends on the status of the blockchain for its validity. You only use our DApp for initialization.

Increased Productivity

You have to do things that you need to get started. You can focus on developing your main product.

Reducing Technical Challenges


Anyone can start the project without worrying about the need to build the required audience.



The Exclusive Platform is increasing the need for correct delivery of the blockchain, the product is now requested rather than just the content, design, and whitepaper ads. It is being proposed with an exclusive platform of fast delivery with just one project, click it is possible.


To adequately resolve problems faced by the developer of the blockchain project, we have compiled various solutions that will be sent by the platform to support blockchain-based ideas. Therefore, the features that will be available include creating bots in seconds, automatic gift distribution, photos,  gifts / airdrop  hosting and REST API.


Telegram can be created in seconds on the Exclusive Platform. We have designed references and bots not references. The ability to choose custom functions will be possible in the future.


To create a bot, a Telegram API API token is required in the form of a bot configuration. The functions currently available are:


  • The ability to choose a reference bot or non-referral
  • Ability to manage participant lists (edit and delete participant information
  • Ability to send broadcast messages to all users / participants
  • Export list of participants to the spreadsheet

Future functions


  • Implement other bots like Twitter, Facebook, Discord and Slack.
  • The ability to choose special bot functions.


Gift Distribution & Automatic Snapshot Blockchain

Challenges faced by projects especially on the blockchain Etherchain are the time needed for gifts / prizes


distribution and consumption of relative gas costs. That


Exclusive platforms have been able to completely reduce this


through a well-planned and thoroughly mapped scheme


analysis that will allow the platform to follow


distribution mechanism that reduces the time needed


gas distribution and consumption.


DApp in development is on the blockchain Ethereum. DApp to EOS, NEO and ETC blockchain will be released on

the future in according to the  Roadmap .


Through our previous testing phase, we have been able to achieve a distribution of more than thirty thousand addresses in a few hours and

consume a reasonable amount of gas. This will save the project

the budget and funds needed will be channeled appropriately




XPL Tokens are utility tokens in the Exclusive Platform ecosystem. 

Address of Contract: 0x138E326c28114f65202b4Ed82A1eeCDF81451E09 

How to buy XPL Take advantage

the market very well. 

Send a minimum of 0.1 ETH to our buy shipping address. Your XPL will be sent after confirmation is successful. 

Minimum Purchase: 0.1 ETH 

Buy Maximum: 30 ETH 

10% bonus for 10 ETH and above

Don’t send from the wallet effect 

Sales Schedule 

Stage 1

PRICE: 0.00000016 ETH 

Starting: 5, 2019 Jan 

End: January 12, 2019 

Stage 2

Price: 0.00000022 ETH 

Starting: January 13, 2019 

End: January 20, 2019 

Stage 3

Price: 0.00000030 ETH 

Starting: 21, Jan 2019 

End: January 29, 2019 

Stage 4

Price: 0.00000042 ETH 

Starting: 30, Jan 2019 

End: 5, Feb 2019 

Stage 5

Price: 0.00000058 ETH 

Starting: 6, Feb 2019 

End: 13, Feb 2019 

Stage 6

Price: 0.00000078 ETH 

Starting: 14, Feb 2019 

End: 21, Feb 2019 

Stage 7

Price: 0.000000102 ETH 

Starting: 22, Feb 2019 

End: 28, Feb 2019 

10 billion

Total Supply

Exclusive Platform 

Token name 



current price 


ETH prices



Budget allocation



Q3 – Q4 2018


  • Idea Development
  • Paper platform design, design & analysis
  • Team building
  • Platform development begins
  • Beta release, Crowdsale starts

Q1 – Q2 2019

  • More pre-design integration and custom building integration
  • Exchange listings & DApp for assignments
  • Survey request feature
  • DApp for assignment on ETC
  • V1 API release

Q3 – Q4 2019

  • Partnership Announcement
  • More features launched
  • DApp for assignment on EOS
  • Outsourcing integration
  • DApp for assignments in NEO

Q1 – 2020

  • Sustainable Development – A new road map


Accurate Information


Bitcointalk thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5089010

Bounty thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5092421.0

Whitepaper: https://exclusiveplatform.com/xpl_whitepaper_v1.pdf

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Ex_platform

Steemit: https://steemit.com/@xclusiveplatform

Reddit: https://reddit.com/


– XPL Official Group: https://t.me/xpl_chat

– XPL Official Channel: https://t.me/exclusiveplatform

– XPL Official Bounty: https://t.me/xpl_bounty

btc name Sriningsih22

btc profile link https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2303929

Ethereum address: 0x9d1b82996eF9668F175E0a6691B6BB9E508a8a8C

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